INNER WORK LIVESESSION mit Torsten Konrad on Zoom-Audio*
TIMING 07:00 - 7:45 Uhr / guidance | 7:45 - 08:00 Uhr / sharing (optional)
REVIEW "Right after the beginning, I could allways feel, how deep in my mind. At the same moment, I could feel the entire body, every tension and relaxedness. The deep, slow breathing helped me to bring relaxation to my body. Also, I still use this kind of breath in my „normal“ life and realize each time, how quick it helps me to get relaxed. At the middle of the sessions my usually precise feeling of time switched off and time didn’t exist anymore till the end of the session. I enjoyed this feeling very much and I am happy, that I tried it in this semester. Week for week, being more balanced and better grounded after our sessions, I was able to master all my daily challenges with more tranquility and joy." D.B.
SEMINAR This English-language Audio-Joining Session offer allows you to reconnect with yourself and reboot your cellular aliveness whilst discovering how this tool leads to the power, freedom and integrity of self-embodiment. We build up a relaxed connection to ourselves, our experiences and the world that allows us to start the day in a more relaxed and centered way, with less inner and outer pressure and dissociation.
MORE This offer for friends of "Schöner-Leben-Institut" combines the best of the Alexander-Technique, Psychosynthesis, Sumarah- and Vipassana-Meditation and Psychology-Of-Vision®. It is a fully contemplative guided inner work through the direction and sounds wich takes place each Thursday morning from 7 until 8 am German time on Zoom-Audio. We will also guide you to work on the quality and ease of your sitting position. "As all of my seminar offers TRUE SELF carries a very specific frequency differing from all other events.
TECHNICAL comfortable & warm seat with backrest | good internet connection | Zoom-App | headset | water | It is recommended to check the technology before the first meeting!